Registered under the BC Societies Act, the Integrated Cadastral Information Society was incorporated in May 2001 to facilitate and streamline geospatial information sharing.
We are driven by our membership, which includes Local Governments, First Nations, provincial government ministries and organizations, utilities in British Columbia, and the private sector. All shared data is contributed by Society members and efforts to expand the available datasets are informed by member priorities.
We are more than a data sharing initiative.
We also work to facilitate collaboration between members, host events, and provide education and training on key data and services, because ensuring access to data rests on the ability to forge strong relationships.
We are a one-of-a-kind non-profit founded on collaboration, expertise, and trust.
The Data ShareHouse contains all shared datasets contributed by Society members. The Society has developed its own automated, scheduled data sharing process – called GeoShare – that is customizable to each member’s unique business and technical requirements.
We are continually updating and upgrading GeoShare to ensure all members receive their data packages in the format and on the schedule that is best suited to their mapping requirements. We also actively pursue and integrate new datasets as requested by members to improve the Data ShareHouse offerings and provide additional value to members.
AddressBC is a member-driven initiative to build an authoritative, accurate, and accessible point-based civic address registry for British Columbia. Address data is contributed directly from Society members via GeoShare, the Society’s automated data delivery system. The disparate address datasets are then integrated into a single point-based feature class, AddressBC.
Address providers and address users alike benefit from having a single source of accurate civic address locations. Emergency planners, regional service providers, utilities, and other users are able to retrieve data from AddressBC in a useable, consistent form, helping to streamline service delivery to constituents and consumers.
Made possible with funding from the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, the AddressBC Grant Program is specifically intended to support First Nations for projects related to managing address data in a geospatial format.
Through the AddressBC First Nations Grant Program, ICI Society aims to:
- Support First Nations to develop, improve, and maintain civic addresses in a GIS format;
- Expand the coverage of First Nations addressing in the AddressBC database; and
- Promote equitable access to resources and funding in First Nations communities.
The BC Ministry of Housing established the Complete Communities Initiative to support local governments in meeting the third commitment of the BC Climate Action Charter – creating complete, compact communities. The Initiative includes a $10M funding program, a Complete Communities Guide, and data to support geospatial assessments.
As part of the Initiative, ICI Society hosted 5 User Conferences across the province in February and March 2023, connecting with over 120 people representing 65 Local Governments and First Nations. In addition to the User Conferences, we leveraged our expertise in geospatial data integration to host the Spatial Access Measures database, compiled by Statistics Canada. The complete Spatial Access Measures dataset has been made publicly available through ICI Society. Users can easily view and analyze the geographic data at a glance via the Spatial Access Measures Web Map, or choose to download the full dataset from our Data Catalog for use in their own geospatial assessments.
The Government of BC has committed to providing everyone in BC access to high-speed internet by 2027. The BC Ministry of Citizen Services (CITZ) is responsible for overseeing the completion of this goal and – in alignment with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan (Action 4.36) – ensuring every First Nations community in BC has access to high-speed internet.
ICI Society and the First Nations Technology Council are collaborating with CITZ to meet this target by collecting and analyzing geospatial data to gather a baseline of currently connected First Nations homes and accurately determine the connectivity gap to inform a community-driven connectivity strategy.
Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) is a new emergency communications system that will replace analogue 9-1-1 systems with IP-based technology. This nation-wide transition will enhance the existing system to use the coordinates of mobile devices and, in the future, allow for location-enabled voice, data, photos, videos, and text messages. GIS data will take a central role in the new system, and local government authorities (LGAs) will be responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date Public Safety Grade GIS data to TELUS.
As a result of our success in maintaining AddressBC, ICI Society is currently evaluating the feasibility of serving as a regional aggregator for the Site/Structure Address Point NG9-1-1 layer for our members.
ICI Society, GeoBC, and E-Comm 9-1-1 are working together to support LGAs across BC in meeting the NG9-1-1 GIS data requirements, with assistance from the Emergency Services Working Group and Esri Canada.
In addition to facilitating discussions between key provincial stakeholders, we have been actively supporting development and education related to the rollout of NG9-1-1 in British Columbia, such as collaborating with Esri Canada and many of our members in the BC Aggregator Trial proof of concept.
ParcelMap BC has been developed as the authoritative, single-source cadastre for the province. The wide-spread adoption of this fabric will provide high value to all stakeholders and Society Members by providing a common parcel base and alignment that will result in more efficient and effective data sharing. In conjunction with the Land Title and Survey Authority of BC, ICI Society actively promotes the widespread adoption ParcelMap BC through a variety of resources and tools to support Society members in their transition.
The Society hosts a Web Map for members to share their plans for ortho-imagery acquisition. With this project, we aim to encourage collaboration among members and facilitate cost-sharing in the acquisition of ortho-imagery products.
Members can submit their confirmed flight plans and future areas of interest and refer to the Web Map to see if other members in their area intend to collect imagery. In addition to showing members’ flight plans and future AOIs, the Web Map also displays BC Assessment’s existing aerial inventory and flight plans for the current year to assist members in arranging their acquisition plans.