As part of its commitment to add new data – and new sources of value – for its members, the ICI Society is pleased to announce that it has added parcel data for First Nations communities throughout the province that is curated by Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN).  Up to 43,000 parcels are now live and viewable as part of the ICI Cadastre.   The addition of these critical parcels highlights the 18,000 addresses, that are currently in AddressBC, that fall within these new parcels.

Our hope is that the addition of this data allows us to deepen the conversation we are already having with our First Nations members.  Among other things, it is enormously helpful for us to be able to zoom in on particular communities and “see” the number of land parcels, for example.  And if any of our First Nations members, or local/regional governments who maintain parcel or address information on their behalf, have different or better data that should replace what is curated by NRCAN, we hope that they will be encouraged to share that with us so that we can make it available to our wider membership, including First Responders and other emergency management personnel.

Ultimately, we see the addition of the NRCAN data as a further articulation of the First Nations data we maintain in GeoShare, our data “sharehouse”.  Over time, and through deliberate dialogue and engagement with our members, we expect that we can (and will) refine the quality of this data and build it out further.