ICI Society is a one-of-a-kind, made in BC model founded on collaboration, expertise, and trust.
With over 300 members, we strive to foster relationship-building and collaboration in support of our vision:
“Building collaborative networks to facilitate innovative, location-based solutions that support the economic, social and environmental well-being of British Columbians.”
We are well-known for our success in bringing people together – local, provincial, and federal government, First Nations, utilities, and the private sector. Members of the Society gain unique opportunities for networking, communication, and collaboration on geospatial information.
Provincial Government members value Society connections with leading utility providers, local governments and provincial government ministries and organizations in the broader public sector.
The Society is trusted by members, respected by associated organizations, and admired in other jurisdictions.
Membership allows Provincial Ministries and Agencies to directly affect the future of data-sharing across industry and government, locally and provincially and gain a distinct advantage in the efficient, effective and economical delivery of services to the citizens of British Columbia.
Local Government members of the ICI Society value the unique opportunities for networking, communication and collaboration with leading utility providers, other local governments and the provincial government.
The Society provides a robust ‘one stop’ platform to access data and work with other local governments, member utilities and the provincial government as well as a mechanism to voice perspectives and inform local government decisions
Membership provides Local Government with a centralized source of uniform data to allow timely information for important decision-making and solutions.
First Nations from across the province see value in Society membership:
“When people share a common direction and sense of community, they can get where they are going easier and faster because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.”
The Goose Story of the Carrier and Sekani People
“ICI Society provides information that supports decision-making and enables the Treaty 8 Tribal Association to lead negotiations. This has been one of the strongest tools for use in consultation and accommodation processes.”
Leeanna Rhodes, GIS Advisor, Coordinating Lands Office, Treaty 8 Tribal Association
“GIS is a modern-day technology that we will continue to use at Cowichan Tribes to improve many aspects of our operations; perhaps the most important use of this technology is to provide maps and data in support of planning projects and developments occurring on-reserve.”
Brenda Underwood, GIS Technician, Cowichan Tribes
Utility members of the ICI Society value the unique opportunities to increase efficiency and cut operational costs through the Society’s data sharing and networking infrastructure.
The Society is a key collaboration hub for GIS expertise, data services and relationship building across industry and within all levels of government.
Society members have been instrumental in developing innovative solutions to complex data sharing and integration needs over the past 20 years.
Through these initiatives, members share data, industry standards and best practices, gaining operational efficiencies and cutting costs associated with time-consuming data sourcing and data-inquiry responses.
Membership in the Society supports:
- efficient communication between utilities,
- safe operations and emergency response,
- optimized infrastructure planning and operational service delivery,
- shared spatial reference data for engineering and survey work.
Associate members of the ICI Society value the efficiencies of a data-sharing hub that provides access to the best available geospatial data across government and industry.
Associate members include:
- The Federal Government of Canada
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Port Authorities
- Surveyors
- Organizations aligned with the purpose of the Society
Membership in the ICI Society can bring great value to your organization by providing access to a collaborative network of organizations throughout BC, dedicated to working together to create innovative, location-based solutions.